Hello my name is karkat n’ welcome to my page [:Bim a minor so dont be weird, i use he/it and im happily taken <3! sourcemates feel dm me! i sometimes use a typing quirk "LIKE THIS"

> dni if
racist, anti-black , against blm, all/blue lives matter
nazi, alt-right
antisemitic, islamophobic, xenophobic
map or 'minor attracted person', a pedophile
fujoshi/fundashi , fetishize mlm relationships/pairings/etc
romanticize abuse or mental illnesses
names bunni, jet, gavin or mason
use slurs you can't reclaim
believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti

Instagram => cccarcinogeneticist
Snapchat => carcinogenec.st
Cosplay TikTok/insta => ccarcinogeneticist.cos
Twitter => ccarcinogenisist
Tumblr => cccarcinogeneticist

Self harm/forms of self injury (scars are okay)
Motherly figures getting hurt or dying
unexpected loud noises
Reality checking
Mentions of source trauma
Dream smp shipping, Kokichi, Saiouma
- When speaking abt any of these subjects pls be like “TW// insert subject” if I’m call leave like a few seconds gap so I can leave/ stop listening